
Can you repair my foggy window?


If there is visible moisture between the panes of glass or the "fogginess" can't seem to be cleaned then the seal between the two panes of glass has probably broken. When this happens moisture is allowed to enter. With heating and cooling, the moisture condenses, leaving mineral deposits. The fogging will grow worse over time.

Dickey's Glass expert installers will take apart the frame and replace it with new glass that has a five-year manufacturer's material warranty against seal failure or fogging over.


Can you custom cut a mirror or glass table top?


Yes! We order large sheets of mirror and glass at a time so we can custom cut a mirror or glass table top to your exact dimensions for your project. We will also polish the edges to give your glass or mirror a finished look.


What is the difference between framed, semi-frameless, vs frameless shower enclosures?


Framed shower enclosures are easy to define: they have metal around the entire structure, every panel, including the door.
Semi Frameless shower enclosures have metal around the entire structure but not around the door (except at the bottom of it to control drip if it is the kind that swings open vs slides open).
Frameless shower enclosures are a little more complicated to define. They may be completely devoid of metal other than the hinges and clips used to fix the panels.
A Heavy Glass or Neo Angle Frameless shower enclosure would have the door attached to a fixed panel, u-channel and a header. The header is required for security and support reasons.




Heavy Glass Frameless